Sunday, March 30, 2008

Week 9: Thing #23 and Congratulations!

I am sitting at my kitchen island and it is only 4:04 Sunday afternoon. With all my computer problems I had foreseen at least midnight until I started Thing 23. I loved the video "A Fair(y) Use Tale. It has raised a lot of questions that I want to investigate more especially since the audio portion was very choppy. I guess I want to find out how copyright went from 14 years to forever if I heard the clip correctly-which segues into my feedback...

First, I realize that I need a much more powerful computer and a less invasive security network. I will make sure it is fast and it speaks clearly.

Next, I have overcome my fear and aversion of You Tube - I really like it but it is a time thief.

Overall, I am more overwhelmed by all the technology available but less ignorant or fearful about taking it on and adapting it. I felt so successful when videos and pod casts actually appeared in my blog. If only there were more hours in the to experiment with it but this course has given me a great start.

My favorite week was Week 5 Play week (probably why I work well at middle school). I really liked the pod casts especially since I don't have an Ipod. Now I don't feel at all left out. I will probably buy a Kindle and read everything I can download for free from eBooks.

Besides You Tube designing my Avatar took forever. I had to go through all the outfits and accessories before I could commit.

The only things I would add would be:
1) A bit more explanation to the RSS feeds= maybe a step by step guide. I watched the videos several times but I need a printed script also.

2) About two more weeks to complete the 23 things. However, part of my problem was that sites had been blocked the second week into the course.

Overall, I found this to be one of the best courses in technology that I have taken.
I loved the tone of each week's lesson. It was like I was to embark upon a new adventure each week. I would most definitely sign up for anything else that was offered and I plan to share what I learned with anyone who will listen to me.

In one word this course was: EMPOWERING

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