Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Week 7: Thing #16 Wiki's

Although I know many people love wikis, I feel a little nervous about creating one for my students. Teaching middle school students,I don't think I could give uncontrolled editing permission. Even though students are constantly reminded not to give out locker combination, there are always incidents of theft from a locked locker because the combination had been given out. If I gave passwords and told students to keep them safe, 99% would do it but the 1% would cost me untold grief. I have opened computer screens to some shocking sites even with firewall controls.

One site that I saw asked that book reviews be emailed and then they were posted. I think this might work but I would need to find the time to read and post the reviews. But couldn't this be done with a blog and one would have more control. I don't want to be a control freak but I also do not want to be a lead story on the 5:00 news.

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